Monday, November 16, 2009

R&B Release Party: Songbirds

For those of you who are fans of R&B and really, really, really amazing singers, Revival is hosting Songbirds, a dual record release concert featuring Toya Alexis & Kim Davis. As someone who has personally heard Toya belt out the tunes from about 1000 yards away & thinking she was in the same room, you are definitely in for a treat. This gal has got taaaaaaaaalent!

Toya is releasing her new cd "The One" and Kim Davis is commemorating the digital release of her album “Live, Love, Learn”.
The ladies will also be joined by Shianne Phillips, Linda Luztono, Nadia Edwards and Kyauna Clarke.

November 24th at Revival [783 College Street West]
Doors at 7PM, Show starts at 8PM
$10 at the door

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