Saturday, April 30, 2011

Prince William & Kate's Last Name: Mountbatten-Windsor

Prince William & Kate's Last Name: Mountbatten-Windsor

Now that Prince William and Kate Middleton are married, some are wondering their last name.

Like other descendants of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, William's surname is Mountbatten-Windsor, and it will be Kate's too by marriage.

As explained by the official British royal website, the Queen's descendants carry the name Mountbatten, as well as the royal surname Windsor, to reflect her husband Prince Philip's surname.

The royal website explains further that the surnames are not always used, only when they are formally needed, such as the case of marriage.

While Prince William will be recorded as a Mountbatten-Windsor in the marriage registry today, he may choose a new name at a later point, specifically if and when he becomes king. As explained here, "Since a royal proclamation is not binding on succeeding rulers, King William could decide to add a name or two."

Prince William and Kate, who will go by the name of Catherine, also inherited the titles Duke and Duchess of Cambridge upon their marriage today.
source: special

10 Video Games That Impacted Gaming

Video games are getting bigger and bigger every year. With the mass production of "crap-ware" coming out, there are still a few games released that really change how people game. Whether its a serious game, or more casual, these games really made an impact on the video game industry.

10. Everquest
Eq2 Girls 01
This Sony made MMO (massively multiplayer online) was the first of its kind, and really defined how MMO's are played today. The games user interface is the standard blueprint for every new MMO that comes out: sometimes so similar you can even call it a copy. Regardless, if you loved or hated Everquest, nobody can deny that it was the launching pad for every new MMO that hits the scene.

9. Starcraft
The RTS (real time strategy) video game genre has been defined by this game. With its very high paced gameplay and a massive online fanbase, its hard to dispute the impact of Starcraft on the gaming industry. In my opinion, with the rise of console gaming, Starcraft is one of those games that really kept PC gaming alive. The game is even televised nationally in Korea. Yes, its that big. With the release of Starcraft II I would imagine the RTS genre will only grow.

8. Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy Vii-Combat
Anyone who had a Playstation in the mid-90′s knows about this one. You can even call it the flagship game of the first generation Playstation. Anyone who plays RPG's (role playing game) has a special appreciation for this game. Between the cutting edge graphics (for its time, of course) and compelling plot / side plot, this game can easily be known as the most famous RPG to date. There is still a huge demand for the game to be remade. The words RPG and Final Fantasy go hand in hand, because of this 7th installment of the franchise. Not to mention, Sepheroth is the most bad-ass villain ever!

7. Grand theft Auto III
Mothers around the world hated this game. Its a sandbox game that allowed you to do, literally, anything. The game really got heated after the release of "San Andreas", particularly because of the "hot coffee mod" or sex scene shown. The games company had to re release the game without that scene. Regardless, Grand Theft Auto and sandboxes go hand in hand.

6. Halo
Microsoft can really thank this series for the huge success of XBox live. Sure, I mean we have Call of Duty now, but nobody can deny what halo did for the console FPS (first-person shooter). Because of Halo, the use of online console gaming was born with XBox live. I can't remember a kid who didn't play xbox live with halo.

5. Tetris
Casual, yet so addictive! This game is the first thing to come to mind when you think of a portable game. How many of you kids out there have a mom that does not play games, but will play tetris? Need I say more?

4. Farmville
Anyone who has Facebook either plays this game, or knows 5 people who do. If you are like me, your Facebook notifications are constantly full of annoying requests from those people that are addicted to the game.

3. Legend of Zelda
This one is a no brainer. The mix between RPG, hack and slash, and action/adventure made this game a big hit from its first day of release. Nintendo struck gold with this one, and it is still a major series of the Nintendo platforms today. Not to mention, Link make an appearance in so many other games. That is how loved he really is.

2. World of Warcraft
It"s hard to not put this game as number 1. With over 10 million players currently, and growing, it's easy to see how this game impacted gaming. People who don't play games at all play WOW. The mix between satisfying content and the social network involved in this game truly puts it in its own category. There have even been reports of suicides concerning this game.

1. Super Mario Bros
Any disputes here? This game from Nintendo started gaming. I know there was the atari and other systems prior to, but Mario made all games what they are today. With a new Mario releasing every year, its undeniable what this Italian plumber did for gamers all around the world.

Selengkapnya Klik disini: » 10 Video Games That Impacted Gaming -

Skandal Kontroversi Keluarga Kerajaan Inggris

Setiap keluarga memiliki sejarahnya masing-masing, termasuk sejumlah skandal kelam yang ingin disembunyikan. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk keluarga kerajaan Inggris.

Keluarga kerajaan Windsor
termasuk salah satu keluarga dengan latar belakang sejarah dan skandal yang menarik, mulai dari seorang raja yang menyerahkan takhtanya demi menikahi seorang gadis Amerika, sampai seorang pangeran yang berkhayal menjadi sebuah tampon. Berikut ini adalah rangkumannya seperti dikutip situs

Raja Edward VIII

Bagi Anda yang telah menyaksikan film The King's Speech tentu tahu bagaimana Pangeran Albert didorong masuk ke dalam kekuasaan ketika kakak laki-lakinya, Raja Edward VIII turun takhta demi menikahi Wallis Simpson, seorang janda cerai 2 kali berkebangsaan Amerika.

Prince of Wales, Edward selalu tertarik dengan perempuan-perempuan yang telah menikah. Tetapi, ketika dia memutuskan untuk memperistri Wallis, hal ini menyebabkan skandal dan dia harus mengorbankan takhta yang baru didudukinya selama kurang dari 1 tahun.

Drama itu terus berlanjut setelah kematiannya. Sejumlah file FBI yang dibongkar mengungkapkan,
Edward VIII terpaksa mengundurkan diri bukan karena status janda cerai Wallis. Tetapi, karena status perempuan itu sebagai simpatisan Nazi dan perbuatannya menyampaikan rahasia negara kepada kekasih Nazi-nya.

Pangeran Charles

Anda barangkali masih mengingat skandal 'Camillagate' alias 'tampongate' yang sempat menghebohkan Inggris nyaris 2 dasawarsa silam. Sebuah percakapan genit antara Camilla dan Charles terekam dan dipublikasikan pada 1992. Padahal, ketika itu mereka berdua sama-sama telah menikah dengan orang lain. Kaset rekaman itu berisi percakapan yang mana Charles mengatakan ingin menjadi tampon Camilla. Percakapan itu tentu saja mencoreng wajah Putri Diana dan keluarga kerajaan, termasuk Charles dan Camilla.

Putri Margaret

Sebagai adik perempuan Ratu Elizabeth, Putri Margaret memiliki reputasi glamour dan kontroversial. Waktunya sekitar penobatan kakaknya, Margaret jatuh cinta pada seorang duda cerai, Peter Townsend, yang berusia 16 tahun lebih tua dibandingkan dirinya. Gereja Inggris, keluarga kerajaan, dan pemerintah menegaskan bahwa dia harus meninggalkan kehidupan kerajaan jika memilih untuk menikah dengan lelaki itu. Margaret akhirnya memutuskan untuk membatalkan niatnya.

Sebaliknya, dia malah menikah dengan
fotografer Anthony Armstrong-Jones pada 1960, yang menjadi Earl of Snowdown. Tetapi, pernikahan itu segera kandas di mata publik. Beredar rumor tidak menyenangkan tentang perselingkuhan, penggunaan obat-obatan, dan kecanduan minuman keras serta pertanyaan tentang seksualitasnya.

Ketika sang putri tertangkap kamera bersama seorang kekasih muda, suaminya mengambil kesempatan itu untuk bercerai dan bermain sebagai korban. Setelah itu, muncul kabar bahwa
Lord Snowdown mungkin telah menjadi ayah dari seorang anak sebelum pernikahan mereka.

Putri Diana

Saat berusia 16 tahun, Putri Diana bertemu dengan Pangeran Charles yang kemudian menjadi suaminya. Padahal, ketika itu Charles justru sedang berkencan dengan kakak perempuannya.

Pada 1995, dalam sebuah wawancara
Putri Diana mengakui perselingkuhannya selama 5 tahun dengan seorang perwira militer, James Hewitt, yang dicintainya. Setelah kematiannya, James menyebabkan skandal lain dengan mencoba menjual surat cinta Diana kepada dirinya.

James kembali menjadi berita di Inggris pada pekan ini. Dia mengaku sempat merenung untuk bunuh diri pasca perselingkuhan itu, dan menyangkal rumor yang menyatakan dirinya mungkin ayah dari
Pangeran Harry. Menurutnya, hubungannya dengan Diana dimulai setelah kelahiran Harry.

Putri Anne

Sekitar 500 juta orang menyaksikan pernikahan putri satu-satunya Ratu Elizabeth, Putri Anne, dengan letnan tentara Mark Phillips pada 1973. Akan tetapi, pada 1985 Mark tertangkap basah memiliki seorang anak buah perselingkuhannya dengan seorang perempuan Selandia Baru.

Pada 1989,
Anne dan Mark berpisah, dan mereka akhirnya bercerai pada 1992. Pada akhir tahun itu, Anne menikah lagi dengan Timothy Laurence di hadapan 30 tamu. Dia menjadi janda kerajaan pertama yang menikah lagi setelah Henry VIII.

Kedua buah hati Anne,
Peter dan Zara Phillips, tidak memiliki gelar tersangkut di nama mereka mungkin dengan harapan memiliki kehidupan yang lebih normal. Mereka adalah cucu pertama monarki yang melakukannya selama lebih dari 500 tahun.

Sarah Ferguson

Pada Agustus 1992, Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, tertangkap kamera ketika jari kakinya berada di mulut seorang pengusaha Texas, John Bryan. Sang putri telah mengumumkan perpisahannya dari Pangeran Andrew. Tetapi, foto memalukan itu memberikan sorotan negatif terhadap keluarga kerajaan.

Andrew dan Sarah
bercerai pada 1996. Tetapi, dia membuat skandal lagi pada 2010, ketika menawarkan akses terhadap pangeran kepada seorang reporter yang menyamar dengan imbalan 500.000 poundsterling.

Pangeran Harry

Meski pun semua perhatian dunia terpusat pada Pangeran William akhir-akhir ini, sang adik Pangeran Harry merupakan sosok yang lebih sering membuat headline dalam hal skandal. Pada 2002, dia mengaku menghisap ganja. Sedangkan pada 2005, dia berpakaian seperti perwira Nazi. Sebuah keputusan mengejutkan yang kemudian segera dia sesali.


Data post mortem

Data-data hasil pemeriksaan forensik yang dilihat dan ditentukan pada jenazah

BUN = Bendahara Umum Negara

Pejabat yang diberi tugas untuk melaksanakan fungsi bendahara umum negara.

Bumil Risti = Ibu hamil risiko tinggi high risk pregnant woman

Ibu hamil yang saat melahirkan menghadapi kemungkinan membahayakan,
misalnya usia
terlalu muda/tua, ibu dengan riwayat kelainan kehamilan dan persalinan.

BUD = Bendahara Umum Daerah

Pejabat yang diberi tugas untuk melaksanakan fungsi bendahara umum daerah.

BTO = Bed Turn Over

Frekuensi pemakaian tempat tidur, berapa kali dalam satu satuan waktu
tertentu (biasanya
I tahun) tempat tidur rumah sakit dipakai. Indikator MI memberikan
gambaran tingkat
efisiensi pemakaian tempat tidur.
Jumlah pasien keluar ( hidup + mati )
Rumus =
Jumlah tempat tidur

Hello May !

Hallo bulan mei ! huaha Pasti awal bulan itu tanggal 1 ~ Anniv gw sama edw ! Haaah please may will be my specialy month ! Ehm gw juga berharap di bulan mei ini banyak yang bisa gw pelajarin kayak di bulan-bulan sebelumnya.. selama beberapa bulan ini mungkin gw suka galau dllnya tapi gw pengen di bulan mei ini no galau lagi ! Ya pasti lah gw bakal galau tapi gw gak mau terus-terusan begitu hehe.. Ehm dan gw juga berharap nanti di bulan mei ini gw sama edw tetep longlast yaw ! Haaah oke udah dulu deh Yang penting MAY PLEASE WILL BE MY SPECIAL MONTH !

'The most incredible gift ever': Mariah Carey gives birth to twins on her and husband Nick Cannon's wedding anniversary

By Daily Mail Reporter

Happy news: Mariah Caery, pictured with husband Nick Cannon in December, has given birth to twins today in Los Angeles on her wedding anniversary

-Superstar singer gives birth to a girl, followed by a boy
-Nick describes it as the 'most incredible wedding anniversary gift ever in life'
-They listened to Carey's song We Belong Together after the births

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon celebrated their third wedding anniversary today by becoming parents to a baby girl and boy.

Carey's representative, Cindi Berger, confirmed the twins' arrival, saying the superstar delivered at 12:07 pm EDT at an undisclosed hospital in Los Angeles.

Berger says the baby girl was born first, weighing 5lbs 3oz and was 18 inches long; her brother was next, at 5lbs 6oz and was 19 inches.

Berger says the couple has not named the children yet.

Cannon drove Carey to the hospital in their Rolls-Royce Phantom. Berger said the 41-year-old Carey, who had gone through false labour, was calm, thinking that it was another false alarm.

Meanwhile, Cannon, 30, was so nervous he went to the wrong department at the hospital, and was guided to the maternity ward by a nurse.

Berger says they were listening to Carey's We Belong Together after the children were born.

Cannon tweeted this afternoon: 'My wife just gave me the most incredible anniversary gift ever in life! I won't ever be able to top this!'

Pure delight: Nick tweeted about 'the most incredible anniversary gift ever' following the births

Huge bump: The singer tweeted a picture of an Eater egg painted on her stomach earlier this month, seen right on the cover of U.S. magazine Life & Style showing off her bump

The couple are expected to renew their wedding vows on Sunday. They got married in 2008 after a whirlwind romance.

They were the subject of endless baby rumours, and the couple actually were expecting shortly after their marriage.

However Carey had a miscarriage - they did not reveal the miscarriage until she announced her pregnancy last autumn.

The couple plan to live a bi-coastal life, and have luxurious nurseries in both New York and Los Angeles.

As far as more children, Carey recently declared she's done.

Mariah giving birth come days after Cannon said in an interview that the twins could arrive 'any second'.

Prediction: Her husband Nick Cannon said they were expecting the twins to arrive 'any second' when he appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres show on Wednesday

'It could happen tonight, literally,' Cannon told talk show host Ellen DeGeneres during an appearance on her show on Wednesday.

'It can happen any second, we're all pins and needles here. She's made it further than most people with twins make it - I think they've got college educations already!'

Asked if he planned to be in the delivery room, Cannon admitted: 'I'm not too good with hospitals - I get woozy with blood. If they assign me a nurse too I can be there.

'I have a newfound respect and admiration for my wife - seeing what they go through; I could never do that. My hat's off to her, she's been amazing.'

He said their earlier miscarriage was 'really tough', especially because they are so high profile - but he also believes it may be the reason they are now expecting twins, one boy and one girl.

All I Want For Christmas: Mariah putting on a festive performance at Disney World in Florida, in December revealing her growing bump in a full-length black gown while surrounded by the famous cartoon characters

'I was like, 'Don't worry baby, God's gonna bless us in an even bigger way',' he said of the period after Mariah's miscarriage.

'And now we have the abundance of two babies.'

He says he has a key aim of keeping his children 'grounded' - but he will do it his own way, not with the help of experts.

Asked if he was busy reading all the books on parenting, he said:

We got all the books - as long as you buy the books, that means you're a good parent. I just never read them.

'My mama didn't use those books and I turned out all right.

'I've heard that the best advice is to take no one's advice because everyone's journey s different.'

Well wishes have been pouring in to the happy couple all day and Mariah even retweeted several congratulatory messages on her Twitter page from a string of celebrities including Nicki Minaj, Alyssa Milano and the members of Boyz II Men.

Well wishes: Celebrities including Nicki Minaj, Alyssa Milano and the members of Boyz II Men took to Twitter to congratulate Mariah and Nick


Blake Lively goes RED!

What do you think of Gossip Girl star Blake Lively's brand new fiery hairdo?
She was spotted at the Time 100 Gala in New York City a few days ago, sporting ginger locks!
Blake is said to have changed her look for her upcoming movie "Hick".

Do you prefer the blonde bombshell, or the racy red Blake? 

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