Monday, September 20, 2010


last night i dreamt that one of my friends was having my baby. in real life she has a boyfriend so i dunno how i should interpret that. it felt so real that i was even thinking of baby names and what we were going to do once i moved to washington. i think we decided that they stay in san diego and i'd come back to visit our child when i can. hope that doesn't mean i'm gonna be a bad father. i didn't understand why "she" was having my baby. she has a boyfriend. i think in my dream we were going to figure out a way to tell her boyfriend without getting too upset about the situation... one other strange part of my dream was that i had really long hair. i remember i was combing my hair in the mirror then i turned to the side and it was kinda like a mullet but longer in the back and i was still trying to fix my combover! weird... so when i got up i tried to look up some key words from my dream and this is what i found:

Having A Baby:
To dream that you or someone is having a baby, suggests that you are giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents new beginnings or some upcoming event. A more direct interpretation of this dream, may represent your desires/ anxieties of giving birth or the anticipation for such an event to occur.

Long Hair
To dream that you have long hair, indicates that you are thinking long and carefully before making some decision. You are concentrating on some plan or situation.

-seems like those two things might go hand in hand. i wonder what for? i guess i'll have to wait and see... i still wanna tell my friend that i had a dream about her having my baby... should i? haha.

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